Top 5 Certainly Unforgettable Enemies and Obstacles in LIMBO

The ways to die in this black-and-white world are reasonably colorful.

Image via PC Invasion

Limbo can be defined as a state or condition of uncertainty. But what we’re gonna talk about here is Playdead’s dark puzzle platformer LIMBO.

In LIMBO, you play as a young boy navigating your way through an ill-lit environment and steering away from harm — to the best of your ability. Expect varieties of obstacles and enemies along the way that aims nothing but your character’s demise.

Here’s my top five memorable crafty ways of delivering death (swift, gradual, you name it, LIMBO’s got it) to our poor boy.

Spoiler warning! Avoid this list if you haven’t beaten, let alone played, this masterpiece.

5 | Maggots

Image via Cubax 149 from YouTube

These mind-controlling worms, also known as maggots, burrow through humans’ head then assumes control of the body taking over the direction of the movements. They force the host body to a body of water which results to drowning.

These parasites don’t smite you instantly with death but their M.O. is downright disgusting.

4 | Saw Blades

Image via Parhelion from YouTube

These spinning discs of death await your missteps then sends you in different pieces in different directions.

They’re not just mechanical devices with your demise in their best interest (or whoever set them there), they’re also difficulty spikes to some puzzles that weren’t even easy to begin with.

And also, opposite of the maggots, these vicious contraptions spell instant death to its victims.

3 | Hunters

Image via Limbo Wiki

Somewhere along your progress, you’ll see bodies of dead human beings. Not a good sign. Then further along, you’ll notice there are living humans. Hooray! Maybe they’ll aid you in your quest. But, oh boy, they’re the exact opposite of aid.

They’re out for blood. Your blood.

Everything in LIMBO is out for your blood.

This group utilizes various weaponry and traps to kill you, but you will have opportunities to destroy them eventually.

What hurts in this, more than their murderous intent, is the feeling of betrayal from fellow human beings in this gloomy isolating world.

2 | Machine Guns

Image via The Blue Duck from YouTube

Another non-living thing waiting for your misstep to shred you to pieces.

Not really sure if they’re called machine guns, but let’s call them as such anyway. They have a what looks to be a laser that is used for aiming and detecting targets. Touching the laser triggers the gun to shoot indiscriminately ripping our young protagonist into bits.

The fun part about them is you can use them to destroy themselves. One of the joys in this grim game is making them taste their own medicine.

1 | The Spider

Image via GameSpot

This enormous arachnid is the most notable monster of a villain in LIMBO.

The spider is not just an enemy for me. He is a recurring opponent in various encounters, and those encounters only forged a liking in me for the big guy. As if a bond was formed, a rivalry was made (an unhealthy one though, let’s face it, he’s out to kill me).

Eventually, an opportunity to ultimately end your seemingly never-ending game of cat and mouse with the spider will appear — and that moment is bittersweet vortex of doubts and fulfillment. His death feels both like a promising victory and the sorrowful loss of a dear friend.

Sources and References

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